ToggleButton v1alpha1


import ""




ToggleButtonSpec defines the desired state of ToggleButton

  • defaultOn (boolean), required

    If StateSource does not point at a valid value, the initial button state will be “on” or “off” depending on this bool

  • location (UIComponentLocation), required

    Where to display the button

    UIComponentLocation specifies where to put a UI component.

    • location.componentID (string), required

      ComponentID is the identifier of the parent component to associate this component with.

      For example, this is a resource name if the ComponentType is Resource.

    • location.componentType (string), required

      ComponentType is the type of the parent component.

  • off (ToggleButtonStateSpec), required

    Config for the button when it is “off”

    Describes a state (on/off) of a ToggleButton

    • off.text (string), required

      Text to appear on the button itself or as hover text (depending on button location).

    • off.iconName (string)

      IconName is a Material Icon to appear next to button text or on the button itself (depending on button location).

      Valid values are icon font ligature names from the Material Icons set. See for the full list of available icons.

      If both IconSVG and IconName are specified, IconSVG will take precedence.

    • off.iconSVG (string)

      IconSVG is an SVG to use as the icon to appear next to button text or on the button itself (depending on button location).

      This should be an <svg> element scaled for a 24x24 viewport.

      If both IconSVG and IconName are specified, IconSVG will take precedence.

    • off.requiresConfirmation (boolean)

      If true, clicking the button in this state requires a second click to confirm.

  • on (ToggleButtonStateSpec), required

    Config for the button when it is “on”

    Describes a state (on/off) of a ToggleButton

    • on.text (string), required

      Text to appear on the button itself or as hover text (depending on button location).

    • on.iconName (string)

      IconName is a Material Icon to appear next to button text or on the button itself (depending on button location).

      Valid values are icon font ligature names from the Material Icons set. See for the full list of available icons.

      If both IconSVG and IconName are specified, IconSVG will take precedence.

    • on.iconSVG (string)

      IconSVG is an SVG to use as the icon to appear next to button text or on the button itself (depending on button location).

      This should be an <svg> element scaled for a 24x24 viewport.

      If both IconSVG and IconName are specified, IconSVG will take precedence.

    • on.requiresConfirmation (boolean)

      If true, clicking the button in this state requires a second click to confirm.

  • stateSource (StateSource), required

    Where the toggle button’s state is stored

    Describes where a ToggleButton’s state is stored. Exactly one type of source must be set.

    • stateSource.configMap (ConfigMapStateSource)

      State is stored in a ConfigMap.

      Describes how a ToggleButton’s state is stored in a ConfigMap. The ConfigMap must be created separately - the ToggleButton will not automatically create it.

    • stateSource.configMap.key (string), required

      Key within the ConfigMap

    • (string), required

      Name of the ConfigMap

    • stateSource.configMap.offValue (string)

      ConfigMap value corresponding to the button’s “off” state If not specified, “false” will be used.

    • stateSource.configMap.onValue (string)

      ConfigMap value corresponding to the button’s “on” state. If not specified, “true” will be used.


ToggleButtonStatus defines the observed state of ToggleButton

  • error (string)

    If healthy, empty. If non-healthy, specifies a problem the ToggleButton encountered



  • apiVersion:

  • kind: ToggleButtonList

  • metadata (ListMeta)

  • items ([]ToggleButton), required