Session v1alpha1


import ""


Session provides introspective data about the status of the Tilt process.


SessionSpec defines the desired state of Session

  • exitCondition (string), required

    ExitCondition defines the criteria for Tilt to exit.

  • tiltfilePath (string), required

    TiltfilePath is the path to the Tiltfile for the run. It cannot be empty.


SessionStatus defines the observed state of Session

  • done (boolean), required

    Done indicates whether this Session has completed its work and is ready to exit.

  • pid (int64), required

    PID is the process identifier for this instance of Tilt.

  • startTime (MicroTime), required

    StartTime is when the Tilt engine was first started.

    MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

  • targets ([]Target), required

    Targets are normalized representations of the servers/jobs managed by this Session.

    A resource from a Tiltfile might produce one or more targets. A target can also be shared across multiple resources (e.g. an image referenced by multiple K8s pods).

    Target is a server or job whose execution is managed as part of this Session.

    • (string), required

      Name is the name of the target; this is auto-generated from Tiltfile resources.

    • targets.resources ([]string), required

      Resources are one or more Tiltfile resources that this target is associated with.

    • targets.state (TargetState), required

      State provides information about the current status of the target.

      *TargetState describes the current execution status for a target.

      Either EXACTLY one of Waiting, Active, Disabled, or Terminated will be populated or NONE of them will be. In the event that all states are null, the target is currently inactive or disabled and should not be expected to execute.*

    • (TargetStateActive)

      Active being non-nil indicates that the target is currently executing.

      TargetStateActive is a target that is currently running but has not yet finished.

    • (boolean), required

      Ready indicates that the target has passed readiness checks.

      If the target does not use or support readiness checks, this is always true.

    • (MicroTime), required

      StartTime is when execution began.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • targets.state.disabled (TargetStateDisabled)

      Disabled being non-nil indicates that the target is disabled.

      TargetStateDisabled is a target that has been disabled.

    • targets.state.terminated (TargetStateTerminated)

      Terminated being non-nil indicates that the target finished execution either normally or due to failure.

      TargetStateTerminated is a target that finished running, either because it completed successfully or encountered an error.

    • targets.state.terminated.finishTime (MicroTime), required

      FinishTime is when the target stopped executing.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • targets.state.terminated.startTime (MicroTime), required

      StartTime is when the target began executing.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • targets.state.terminated.error (string)

      Error is a non-empty string if the target encountered a failure during execution that caused it to stop.

      For targets of type TargetTypeServer, this is always populated, as the target is expected to run indefinitely, and thus any termination is an error.

    • targets.state.waiting (TargetStateWaiting)

      Waiting being non-nil indicates that the next execution of the target has been queued but not yet started.

      TargetStateWaiting is a target that has been enqueued for execution but has not yet started.

    • targets.state.waiting.waitReason (string), required

      WaitReason is a description for why the target is waiting and not yet active.

      This is NOT the “cause” or “trigger” for the target being invoked.

    • targets.type (string), required

      Type is the execution profile for this resource.

      Job targets run to completion (e.g. a build script or database migration script). Server targets run indefinitely (e.g. an HTTP server).

  • error (string)

    Error is a non-empty string when the Session is Done but encountered a failure as defined by the ExitCondition from the SessionSpec.


SessionList is a list of Session objects.

  • apiVersion:

  • kind: SessionList

  • metadata (ListMeta)

  • items ([]Session), required