LiveUpdate v1alpha1


import ""




LiveUpdateSpec defines the desired state of LiveUpdate

  • basePath (string), required

    An absolute local path that serves as the basis for all path calculations.

    Relative paths in this object are calculated relative to the base path. It cannot be empty.

  • selector (LiveUpdateSelector), required

    Specifies how this live-updater finds the containers that need live update.

    *Specifies how to select containers to live update.

    Every live update must be associated with some object for finding containers. In the future, we expect there to be other types of container discovery objects (like Docker Compose container discovery).*

    • selector.dockerCompose (LiveUpdateDockerComposeSelector)

      Finds containers in Docker Compose.

      Specifies how to select containers to live update inside Docker Compose.

    • selector.dockerCompose.service (string), required

      The name of a DockerComposeService object.

      For simple projects, this is usually the same as the service name in the docker-compose.yml file. (But it doesn’t necessarily have to be.)

    • selector.kubernetes (LiveUpdateKubernetesSelector)

      Finds containers in Kubernetes.

      Specifies how to select containers to live update inside K8s.

    • selector.kubernetes.discoveryName (string), required

      The name of a KubernetesDiscovery object for finding pods.

    • selector.kubernetes.applyName (string)

      ApplyName is the name of a KubernetesApply object for filtering discovered pods to prevent updating old deployments.

      If not provided, no filtering will be applied and all discovered Pods will be eligible for update.

    • selector.kubernetes.containerName (string)

      ContainerName specifies the name of the container that we’re copying files into.

      Exactly one of Image or ContainerName MUST be specified.

    • selector.kubernetes.image (string)

      Image specifies the name of the image that we’re copying files into.

      Determines which containers in a pod to live-update. Matches images by name unless tag is explicitly specified.

      Exactly one of Image or ContainerName MUST be specified.

  • execs ([]LiveUpdateExec)

    A list of commands to run inside the container after files are synced.

    NB: In some documentation, we call these ‘runs’. ‘exec’ more clearly matches kubectl exec for remote commands.

    Runs a remote command after files have been synced to the container. Commonly used for small in-container changes (like moving files around, or restart processes).

    • execs.args ([]string), required

      Command-line arguments to run inside the container. Must have length at least 1.

    • execs.triggerPaths ([]string)

      A list of relative paths that trigger this command exec.

      If not specified, all file changes seen by the LiveUpdate trigger this exec.

      Paths are specified relative to the the BasePath of the LiveUpdate.

  • restart (string)

    Specifies whether Tilt should try to natively restart the container in-place after syncs and execs.

    Note that native restarts are only supported by Docker and Docker Compose (and NOT docker-shim or containerd, the most common Kubernetes runtimes).

    To restart on live-update in Kubernetes, see the guide for how to apply extensions to add restart behavior:

  • sources ([]LiveUpdateSource)

    Sources of files to sync.

    Every live update must be associated with at least one Source object to trigger the update. Usually, Tilt structures it so that there’s a Source for each image we depend on.

    Specifies how to pull in files.

    • sources.fileWatch (string)

      The name of a FileWatch to use as a file source.

    • sources.imageMap (string)

      Name of the ImageMap object to watch for which file changes from this source are included in the container image.

      If not provided, the live-updater will copy any file changes that it’s aware of, even if they’re already included in the container.

  • stopPaths ([]string)

    A list of relative paths that will immediately stop the live-update for the current container.

    Used to detect file changes that invalidate the entire container image, forcing a complete rebuild.

  • syncs ([]LiveUpdateSync)

    Specify paths that can be live-updated into the container and their destinations. Any file changes observed that do not match any of these will invalidate the container image and force a complete rebuild.

    Determines how a local path maps into a container image.

    • syncs.containerPath (string), required

      An absolute path inside the container. Required.

    • syncs.localPath (string), required

      A relative path to local files. Required.

      Computed relative to the live-update BasePath.


LiveUpdateStatus defines the observed state of LiveUpdate

  • containers ([]LiveUpdateContainerStatus)

    A list of all containers that the live-updater is currently connected to.

    LiveUpdateContainerStatus defines the observed state of the live-update syncer for a particular container.

    • containers.containerName (string), required

      The name of the container in the pod.

    • containers.namespace (string), required

      The namespace of the pod this container belongs to.

    • containers.podName (string), required

      The name of the pod this container belongs to.

    • containers.containerID (string)

      The ID of the container in the pod, in the format ‘docker://<container_id>’.

    • containers.lastExecError (string)

      Contains any error messages from the most recent sequence of Execs.

      Empty if the most recent Execs completed successfully.

      An ExecError is not necessarily a failure state. For example, a linter error in the container is something we’d want to surface to the user, but not an indication that the live-updater did something wrong.

    • containers.lastFileTimeSynced (MicroTime)

      The timestamp of the most recent file update successfully synced to the container.

      Must match the timestamp in a FileEvent, not the time the sync was performed.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • containers.waiting (LiveUpdateContainerStateWaiting)

      Details about a waiting live update.

      A live update is waiting when the reconciler is aware of file changes that need to be synced to the container, but has decided not to sync them yet.


    • containers.waiting.message (string)

      Human-readable description of what’s blocking.

    • containers.waiting.reason (string)

      One word camel-case reason why we’re in a waiting state.

  • failed (LiveUpdateStateFailed)

    If any of the containers are currently failing to process updates, the Failed state surfaces information about what’s happening and what the live-updater is doing to fix the problem.

    If all containers are updating successfully, Failed will be nil.

    If any of the containers are currently failing to process updates, the LiveUpdateStateFailed surfaces information about what’s happening and what the live-updater is doing to fix the problem.

    • failed.lastTransitionTime (MicroTime)

      When the live-updater transitioned into a Failed state.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • failed.message (string)

      Human-readable description of what’s wrong.

    • failed.reason (string)

      One word camel-case reason why we’ve reached a failure state.



  • apiVersion:

  • kind: LiveUpdateList

  • metadata (ListMeta)

  • items ([]LiveUpdate), required