DockerComposeService v1alpha1


import ""


DockerComposeService represents a container orchestrated by Docker Compose.


DockerComposeServiceSpec defines the desired state a Docker Compose container.

  • project (DockerComposeProject), required

    A specification of the project the service belongs to.

    Each service spec keeps its own copy of the project spec.


    • project.configPaths ([]string)

      Configuration files to load.

      If both ConfigPaths and ProjectPath/YAML are specified, the YAML is the source of truth, and the ConfigPaths are used to print diagnostic information.

    • project.envFile (string)

      Path to an env file to use. Passed to docker-compose as --env-file FILE.

    • (string)

      The docker-compose project name.

      If omitted, the default is to use the NormalizedName of the ProjectPath base name.

    • project.projectPath (string)

      The base path of the docker-compose project.

      Expressed in docker-compose as –project-directory.

      When used on the command-line, the Docker Compose spec mandates that this must be the directory of the first yaml file. All additional yaml files are evaluated relative to this project path.

    • project.yaml (string)

      The docker-compose config YAML.

      Usually contains multiple services.

      If you have multiple docker-compose.yaml files, you can combine them into a single YAML with docker-compose -f file1.yaml -f file2.yaml config.

  • service (string), required

    The name of the service to create.

  • disableSource (DisableSource)

    Specifies how to disable this.

    Points at a thing that can control whether something is disabled

    • disableSource.configMap (ConfigMapDisableSource)

      Disabled by single ConfigMap value.

      Specifies a ConfigMap to control a DisableSource

    • disableSource.configMap.key (string), required

      The key where the enable/disable state is stored.

    • (string), required

      The name of the ConfigMap

    • disableSource.everyConfigMap ([]ConfigMapDisableSource)

      Disabled by multiple ConfigMap values, which must all be set to disabled to disable the object.

      Specifies a ConfigMap to control a DisableSource

    • disableSource.everyConfigMap.key (string), required

      The key where the enable/disable state is stored.

    • (string), required

      The name of the ConfigMap

  • imageMaps ([]string)

    The image maps that this deploy depends on.


DockerComposeServiceStatus defines the observed state of DockerComposeService, continuing to watch the container after it starts.

  • applyError (string)

    An error bringing up the container.

  • containerID (string)

    Current container ID.

  • containerName (string)

    Current container name.

  • containerState (DockerContainerState)

    Current state of the container for this service.

    *State of a standalone container in Docker.

    An apiserver-compatible representation of this struct:*

    • containerState.error (string)

      Whether the container is in an error state.

    • containerState.exitCode (int32)

      The exit code, if the container has exited.

    • containerState.finishedAt (MicroTime)

      When the container process finished.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • containerState.running (boolean)

      Whether the container is running.

    • containerState.startedAt (MicroTime)

      When the container process started.

      MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

    • containerState.status (string)

      String representation of the container state. Can be one of “created”, “running”, “paused”, “restarting”, “removing”, “exited”, or “dead”.

  • disableStatus (DisableStatus)

    Details about whether/why this is disabled.


    • disableStatus.disabled (boolean), required

      Whether this is currently disabled. Deprecated in favor of State.

    • disableStatus.lastUpdateTime (Time), required

      The last time this status was updated.

      Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.

    • disableStatus.reason (string), required

      The reason this status was updated.

    • disableStatus.state (string), required

      Whether this is currently disabled (if known)

  • lastApplyFinishTime (MicroTime)

    Timestamp of when we last finished bringing up this service in Docker Compose.

    When populated, must be equal or after the LastApplyStartTime field.

    MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

  • lastApplyStartTime (MicroTime)

    Timestamp of when we last started bringing up this service in Docker Compose.

    MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

  • portBindings ([]DockerPortBinding)

    How docker binds container ports to the host network for this service.

    How docker binds container ports to the host network

    • portBindings.containerPort (int32)

      The port inside the container.

    • portBindings.hostIP (string)

      The IP on the host machine where Docker is binding the network.

    • portBindings.hostPort (int32)

      The port on the host machine where Docker running.

